SKB I Series TSA-2 Latch Kit Black Pack of 2
SKU: SKB3I-TSA-2$39.99
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Replacing your SKB Trigger Latch® System with TSA locking Trigger Latch® System is quick and easy with the 3i-TSA-2 Locking Latch Kit. Each kit includes 2 TSA locking latches, replacement pins and 2 keys that are quick and easy to install.The 3i-TSA Locking Latch Kit will accommodate the older versions of 3i Series cases; 3i-1209-4B, 3i-1711-6B. 3i-1813-5B. 3i-1209-4, 3i-1711-6, and 3i-1813-5 sold after 2019 use the 3i-TSA-3.Featuring Travel Sentry® Approved locks. Using Travel Sentry® Approved locks allows your luggage to be opened, inspected, and relocked by TSA authorities without damage. For more information, visit
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