Home / Shop / Remington Extra Long Range Ammunition 410 Bore 3″ 11/16 oz #6 Shot Box of 25

Remington Extra Long Range Ammunition 410 Bore 3″ 11/16 oz #6 Shot Box of 25

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SKU: REMSP4136 Categories: ,

The Remington Express Extra Long-Range line of shotgun ammunition represents a high-quality and versatile line of shotgun shells that are perfect for both upland bird and small game hunters. These shells deliver unbeatable knockdown power even at extended ranges. These long-range shotgun shells are an excellent example of Remington’s commitment to superior quality and performance. Loaded with premium-grade copper-plated pellets these shotgun shells also feature Remington’s unique Power-Piston 1-piece wad which helps to ensure tight and consistent shot patterns.image

    Review & Questions Summary
    5.00 of 5
    Reviewed by 4 People
    1. Mark B. (verified owner)

      I was glad to purchase remington brand shotgun shells

      Mark B. (verified owner)

    2. Richard S. (verified owner)

      Richard S. (verified owner)

    3. David M. (verified owner)

      David M. (verified owner)

    4. Aaron H. (verified owner)

      I will purchase this brand above all others.

      Aaron H. (verified owner)

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