Home / Shop / Hornady Sure-Loc Lock Ring 6 Pack

Hornady Sure-Loc Lock Ring 6 Pack

SKU: HOR044606
2 reviews | Write a review

Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $20.69.

Hornady Sure-Loc Lock Ring 6 Pack

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Hornady Sure-Loc Lock Rings allows you to make precise adjustments of all standard 7/8″-14 dies and accessories. Clamps around the whole die and won’t damage the threads. Applies constant pressure across the threads to hold the ring in place. Wrench Flats: Remove and replace dies without pliers ruining the lock ring.

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5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. Louis Reed (verified owner)

    Louis Reed (verified owner)

  2. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Anonymous (verified owner)

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