Home / Shop / Hornady Universal Shell Holders #16

Hornady Universal Shell Holders #16

SKU: HOR390556
2 reviews | Write a review

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $4.49.

Hornady Shellholder #16

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SKU: HOR390556 Categories: , , Tag:

Precision machined from solid steel and heat-treated to perform flawlessly. Wide mouth and rounded edge at the opening allow smoother case insertion.

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. CLIFTON GOINES (verified owner)

    Great shell holder. Powder valley has the best prices fastest shipping available and has for years. If you buy supplies anywhere else you loose money

    CLIFTON GOINES (verified owner)

  2. JAMES M. (verified owner)

    JAMES M. (verified owner)

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