Home / Shop / Hornady Lock-N-Load Overall Length Gauge Modified Case

Hornady Lock-N-Load Overall Length Gauge Modified Case

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$5.39 - $25.19

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Hornady Lock-N-Load 17 Hornet Modified Case And Adapter D – Hornady Lock-N-Load Modified Cases are readily available to fit most popular rifle chambers and are manufactured to SAAMI specs. This case has had the flash hole cut out and replaced by threads to screw into the Hornady Lock-N-Load Overall Length Gauge (sold separately).

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5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 8 People
  1. JAMES REICHFELD (verified owner)

    JAMES REICHFELD (verified owner)

  2. ALAN (verified owner)

    Why didn’t I invent this. Wow, really impressed with the Locknload 17 Hornet case. I don’t recall this being on the market when I first started reloading for this caliber. Anyway, pleasantly surprised to have found this. Genius!

    ALAN (verified owner)

  3. ANTHONY C. (verified owner)

    I bundled my by adding the Hornady lock-N-Load Modified Case for each caliber cartridge I have at a great price

    ANTHONY C. (verified owner)

  4. Jerry Nelums (verified owner)


    Jerry Nelums (verified owner)

  5. LOUIS Z. (verified owner)

    LOUIS Z. (verified owner)

  6. SCOTT (verified owner)

    SCOTT (verified owner)

  7. Tim T. (verified owner)

    Tim T. (verified owner)

  8. Chris C. (verified owner)

    Chris C. (verified owner)

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