Home / Shop / Frankford Arsenal Media Transfer Magnet for Stainless Steel Media

Frankford Arsenal Media Transfer Magnet for Stainless Steel Media

SKU: FFF909271
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The Frankford Arsenal® Media Transfer Magnet is ideal for handling the 304 stainless steel media pins that come with the Platinum Series Rotary Tumbler. This magnet effectively gathers and then releases pins with a pull of the handle. The Media Transfer Magnet makes separating pins from brass fast and convenient.

Additional information
Weight 1.6 lbs


Media Transfer Magnet for Stainless Steel Media

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. Dennis (verified owner)

    A great help in retrieving the stainless steel pins after the brass cleaning process. Can’t imagine doing the same work without this magnet.

    Dennis (verified owner)

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