Home / Shop / Winchester Bullets (.308 Diameter) 150 Grain Flat Nose Box of 100

Winchester Bullets (.308 Diameter) 150 Grain Flat Nose Box of 100

SKU: WB30FN150


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Winchester 30 caliber, .308 diameter, 30-30 winchester, 150 grain Power-Point flat point projectiles in stock and ready to ship now. The powerpoint has been a staple on reloading benches for over 50 years. With a high quality, simple soft point design, and a cannelure, these projectiles will make exceptional hunting ammunition. They will perform well both in flight and terminally to deliver a massive wound cavity for clean and ethical kills. They feature a straight wall profile from the cannelure down to the heel of the projectile for plenty of bearing surface to apply a firm crimp. The beveled base also aids in seating making them easier to work with on your bench. These projectiles are a dedicated 30-30 Winchester bullet, the placement of the cannelure and the the flat point profile are specifically designed for use in tube fed guns. Though these are traditionally used in 30-30 winchester, we’ve had a number of customers use them in 300 blackout. The velocities are similar so they can function in blackout though it’s not what they were designed for. If you are a new reloader, we would suggest you purchase dedicated bullets for whatever cartridge you are loading.

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