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Pro-Shot Cleaning Rod Brass 17 Caliber 8-32 Thread

SKU: PHO1PS-12-17


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Pro-Shot Cleaning Rods are manufactured by Pro-Shot with American Made exclusive spec Stainless Steel and have a proprietary mirror like jeweled finish. A Pro-Shot rod is more dense and hardened due to added steps in our rod manufacturing processes. It is still slightly less hard than barrel steel. Each rod is carefully hand crafted and micro polished in addition to our centerless grind and polishing steps.
The hardened dense jeweled mirror like finish of Pro-Shot rods does not pick up and carry abrasive grit, dirt, or fouling through the bore.
Micro-polished precision stainless steel cleaning Pro-Shot rods are durable and are used by accuracy minded shooters worldwide.
Rugged precision threading for no wobble attachment of rod tip accessories. No adaptor needed!
Proprietary Rod handle design allows the rod to rotate in the handle, allowing the bore brush to spiral with the rifling and clean the grooves of the rifling completely.

Additional information
Dimensions 12 in
Thread Size


Country of Origin



17 Caliber




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