Home / Shop / Lyman Accutrimmer Case Trimmer 9-Pilot Multi-Pack

Lyman Accutrimmer Case Trimmer 9-Pilot Multi-Pack

SKU: LYM7862210


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Lyman’s Case Trim Xpress gives rifle reloaders the speed and accuracy that they have been looking for when trimming cases! The unit has its own power source, and a strong variable speed motor, so there is no need to use power drills or pur- chase separate motors . By using bushings that contact on the shoulder of bottle neck type cases, the Case Trim Xpress will quickly and cleanly trim your brass by simply pushing the case against the long lasting carbide cutter . The trimmer comes with a set of 10 bushings (in orange type below) designed to fit most popular bot- tleneck rifle cases . The bushings support and center the case with the cutter . No pilots are needed! The bushings are spring loaded to provide a smooth, effortless cut; and allow the user to trim approximately 15 cases per minute . In addition, the Case Trim Xpress is equipped with an adjustment wheel, which allows case lengths to easily be “dialed in” to .001” increments . Plus the Case Trim Xpress is made with a compact, low profile housing that doesn’t eat up all of your bench space.

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17 – 45 Caliber






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