Home / Shop / Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press Shellplate #30 44 Special

Hornady Lock-N-Load AP Progressive Press Shellplate #30 44 Special

SKU: HOR392630
2 reviews | Write a review

Original price was: $42.99.Current price is: $38.69.

Hornady Shellplate #30 Lock-N-Load Auto Progressive & Proj

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Our shell plates feature a subtle radius on each shell holder mouth to ensure smooth and reliable functioning. The retainer spring is designed to stay in place when inserting cases into the shell plate. Please note: a single shell plate may be used for multiple calibers.

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. Brandon L. (verified owner)

    Good quality and price. Customer service is amazing

    Brandon L. (verified owner)

  2. David B. (verified owner)

    David B. (verified owner)

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