Home / Shop / Hornady ELD-VT Bullets (.224 Diameter) 62 Grain Polymer Tip Box of 100

Hornady ELD-VT Bullets (.224 Diameter) 62 Grain Polymer Tip Box of 100

SKU: HOR22762
2 reviews | Write a review

Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $26.99.

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Bring trophies home and send varmints packing with the new ELD-VT™ bullet from Hornady. Incorporating years of ballistic research, ELD-VT™ pairs the aerodynamics of a low-drag match bullet with the light weight and high velocity of a varmint bullet. With its unmatched accuracy and explosive fragmentation, ELD-VT™ picks up trophies as fast as it drops varmints!

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. Richard K. (verified owner)

    Amazing product. Great accuracy. Great terminal performance!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    Richard K. (verified owner)

  2. JAMES MYERS (verified owner)

    JAMES MYERS (verified owner)

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