Home / Shop / Hornady Custom Grade 4 Die Set 350 Legend (.355) Taper Crimp

Hornady Custom Grade 4 Die Set 350 Legend (.355) Taper Crimp

SKU: HOR546401
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Original price was: $97.99.Current price is: $88.19.

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The Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension 4-Die Set is a great die set for the avid reloader. The set includes the CGND Full Length Sizer Die, CGND Expander Die, CGND Seater Die, and CGND Crimp die. The Full Length Sizer Die features a Zip Spindle, with a series of light threads cut on the spindle and spindle collet. This is designed to eliminate spindle slippage and makes tightening the spindle lock a breeze when making adjustments. The CGND Seater Die is designed with a floating bullet seater alignment sleeve and seating stem that aligns the bullet with the case, to improve bullet seating and accuracy. The Case Mouth Expander Die is adjustable, and the Crimp Die is great when using heavy loads. Shellholder sold separately.

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5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. Ken Griffin (verified owner)

    Great service. Great dies.

    Ken Griffin (verified owner)

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