Home / Shop / Hornady Custom Grade 3 Die Set 38 Special, 357 Magnum Roll Crimp

Hornady Custom Grade 3 Die Set 38 Special, 357 Magnum Roll Crimp

SKU: HOR546527
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Hornady reloading dies represent the finest in machined craftsmanship. Articulated details offer more precise reloading, by offering easier adjustments, better alignment and smoother functioning. With one of the finest internal finishes in the industry, Hornady Custom Grade and Match Grade Dies provide a lifetime of reloading. They’re so well crafted that they’re guaranteed never to break or wear out from normal use.

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5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 2 People
  1. Robert German (verified owner) –

    Robert German (verified owner) –

  2. John L. (verified owner) –

    Headed to go on one of my Hornady AP LnL units. Appreciate the postal savings

    John L. (verified owner) –

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