Home / Shop / Hornady Custom Grade Seater Stem .308 Caliber 178, 200, & 220 Grain ELD-X

Hornady Custom Grade Seater Stem .308 Caliber 178, 200, & 220 Grain ELD-X

SKU: HOR397133
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Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.49.

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These seating stems are designed to fit Hornady® Custom Grade™ Dies and are machined to fit the profile of the A-MAX, A-Tip®, ELD Match, ELD-X, FTX and MonoFlex bullets to seat them as precisely as possible without damaging bullets.

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. Steve P. (verified owner)

    Not only does it seat the ELD-X very straight, it works incredibly well on Fed TA’s and Edge TLR’s. Using it on a 300 PRC and 300 Win Mag. Very pleased, I’m going to get other calibers.

    Steve P. (verified owner)

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