Home / Shop / Hornady GMX Bullets (.308 Diameter) 165 Grain Polymer Tip Box of 50

Hornady GMX Bullets (.308 Diameter) 165 Grain Polymer Tip Box of 50

SKU: HOR30470
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Hard-hitting and deep-penetrating, the GMX® bullet combines monolithic construction with pioneering ballistic design to meet the need for a premium, non-traditional bullet. Tougher than pure copper, the mono-metal copper alloy has been proven to shoot cleaner, foul less, and deliver consistent, even pressure curves. The tough alloy material routinely retains 95% or more of its original weight and expands up to 1.5 times its original diameter.

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5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. Željko Čigir


    Željko Čigir

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