Home / Shop / Frankford Arsenal Treated Corn Cob Brass Cleaning Media 4.5 Pound(s) Jug

Frankford Arsenal Treated Corn Cob Brass Cleaning Media 4.5 Pound(s) Jug

SKU: FFF194524
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Clean brass should be the goal of every reloader. Cleaning brass by tumbling is the economical, safe first step in assembling quality handloads. Besides ensuring long life for the most valuable component of your ammunition, cleaning your brass will help reduce wear and tear on your expensive reloading dies, not to mention the chamber of your firearm. Grit and grime from uncleaned brass can become imbedded in the inner surfaces of your sizing dies, scratching and marring every subsequent case. The same grime can be expected to accelerate wear in the chamber and feeding system of your rifle or handgun.

Additional information
Weight 4.7 lbs



Product Model

Treated Corn Cob

Pack Config


Unit Quantity

4.5 Pound(s)

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. Guadalupe R M. (verified owner)

    Love this stuff, cleans my brass and makes them shine like diamonds. Well, maybe not like diamonds but they sure are pretty.

    Guadalupe R M. (verified owner)

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