Home / Shop / Federal Premium Ammunition 7mm Backcountry 155 Grain Terminal Ascent Polymer Tipped Box of 20

Federal Premium Ammunition 7mm Backcountry 155 Grain Terminal Ascent Polymer Tipped Box of 20



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The 7mm Backcountry cartridge achieves all of this through its patented Peak Alloy™ case. Built of an advanced steel alloy, the next-generation, one-piece case design allows higher velocities over modern brass case ammunition. And because the cartridge is dimensionally smaller than its closest brass-case counterparts, 7mm Backcountry achieves these ballistic advantages through smaller rifles and with an extra round in the magazine of most platforms. In developing 7mm Backcountry, Federal’s team of engineers set out to design a cartridge that answers a market need that seemed unsolvable—magnum velocity out of shorter barrels without increasing recoil. They did, but in the process they produced true innovation, creating a new way to make rifle ammunition faster, flatter shooting and more powerful

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