Home / Shop / Federal Premium Bullets (.451 Diameter) 230 Grain Coated Hard Cast Box of 100

Federal Premium Bullets (.451 Diameter) 230 Grain Coated Hard Cast Box of 100

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Federal .451 / 45 230 GR Total Syntech Jacket American Eagle (100)

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SKU: FEDAE45SJCB1 Categories: , , ,

Hit your target and train harder with the proven line of American Eagle® handgun ammunition. It provides recoil and velocity similar to self-defense and competition loads for a familiar feel and realistic practice.

Review & Questions Summary
5.00 of 5
Reviewed by 1 People
  1. ONION (verified owner)

    The 230 grain 45 cal Federal Syntech bullets proved to be VERY ACCURATE in my Sig P220. A sufficient case belling is needed so as not to carve off any coating during bullet seating. One of the less expensive 45 bullets is a nice perk, when PV has a sale, I WILL buy more. Most importantly, after shooting 200 rounds, I cleaned my pistol and NO RED COATING was found in the barrel or mag well. The bullets recovered at the range showed no lead on the groves cut by the barrel lands. This means no lead in the barrel!

    ONION (verified owner)

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